Inthri Marathon Complete! Now For My Opinion...
I played through Project Inthri 1, 2, and 3 back-to-back, in a non-stop marathon, jumping into each one for the first time. I love the series, and I'd like to give my two cents on each...and a score for each too. ;)
Inthri 1 - Short but sweet...I found myself dying and restarting constantly. This would have been bad if the levels were too long, but I found their length to be quite appropriate for the difficulty. 8/10
Inthri 2 - I breezed through this one. The machine gun is unfairly effective on bosses, as well as decimating normal enemies. 9/10
Inthri 3 - It's obvious you put loads of effort into this one. I decided to be dangerous and I played the entire thing on Lunatic difficulty. I'm wondering though -- what changes between each difficulty setting? Well, in any case, this game is a real love-hate thing...Everything is so fun, but the bosses WILL NOT DIE...I suppose a marathon battle would be good with a pause button, but without one...I think my finger is cramped from holding down the left-click button. The final boss is EPIC...though I didn't understand why he turned into a beating heart-like thing at the end of it all. ...I've heard people complain about the Extra boss, Seven, but honestly none of her forms are all that difficult -- simple patterns is the reason why. Oh sure, plowing through all 11 of her forms takes some effort, but I only got hit once during the entire battle. (And that could have been easily avoided -- I was talking to a friend about the game and I got distracted in doing so.) 8.5/10
Oh, btw, total time played for my marathon? =P 4 hours and 17 minutes. And worth every second.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go soak my throbbing hand. XD