Why's the rating so low on this? o3o
I was searching for "Egg Rocket", as I was looking for a cool remix of this tune...and your son appeared at the bottom of the list with a 1.99. I admit I wouldn't normally have clicked onto this tune, except I didn't really like ALL of the other songs (from a list of like 20) that came up.
And lo and behold, your tune is the superior one by far. Now I will say it's a little generic (and very quiet, for some reason, on my headphones), which is why I give the 8/10...but if you remastered this? =) Oh-ho! You could get a 10 from me if you just polished a few things (you made some mistakes with the notes) and added a little more variety to the tune. And volume, more volume. x3
I do like it though. Smooth, nice piano, good rock. So, 8/10 and 5/5 for you, good sir. =)
(And hopefully the fact I bumped your rating here from 1.99 to 2.78 will convince at least a few more people to give this song a try!)